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NERAc Training for ICS

Hello NERAC Fire Chiefs –

NERAC is sponsoring six (6) NIMS ICS All-Hazards Position Specific Training courses for first responders in the NERAC region. These courses are designed by the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and will be conducted by the Incident Management Training Consortium (IMTC). The following courses will be offered starting later this month:
· Strike Team/Task Force Unit Leader

· Planning Section Chief

· Logistics Section Chief

· Finance/Administration Section Chief

· Operations Section Chief

· Division/Group Supervisor
Please see the attachment for more specific information on the courses and how to register. All first responders from the NERAC region are eligible to attend these courses, however priority seating will be given to individuals who would be likely to fill a leadership position in an ICS structure at a major incident. Backfill/overtime will be offered at up to $35/hour and lunch will be provided each day.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!

Tim Moore
Senior Homeland Security Project Coordinator
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
60 Temple Place, 6th floor
Boston, MA 02111
phone: 617-933-0767
fax: 617-423-0584
[email protected]
cid:[email protected]
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